Between all the mining and crafting, Minecraft leaves a lot of time & space for players to explore the world and get to know its diverse hostile and passive creatures. Among these mobs are the game'due south mobs which tin be tamed to deed as mounts, protectors or simply as pets.

However, taming a mob is no simple job. More oft than not, players volition need the right items and a pinch of luck to win over an animal's trust. Some mobs are besides incredibly difficult to observe, making them quite a rarity. Here's how to tame the best mobs in the game.

Updated on July 5th, 2021 by Anastasia Maillot: This year is a very heady one for Minecraft fans because of a massive 2-part update that introduces immense terrain generation changes for the game. Updates of this kind haven't happened to this scale for a long time, which is why it'south worth waiting for the Caves and Cliffs full update.

For now, however, players will have to be satisfied with the offset half of Caves and Cliffs, which introduced a couple of new mobs. One of them, in particular, brought in some new gameplay mechanics and features and can be tamed to a degree. Here's what you lot need to know about the new Axolotl mob.

xi Axolotls

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  • Biome: Whatever dark sea or body of water
  • Nutrient: Bucket of Tropical Fish

Axolotls were added into the game as a manner to spread awareness over this nearly extinct species of water-loving lizards. Axolotls spawn in night waters, and although they can survive on land for some time, they definitely prefer the depths of oceans and any large bodies of water.

Axolotls are predators. They'll attack any other ocean-domicile mob except for dolphins. They're very useful allies against Guardians and Elderberry Guardians inside ocean monuments and can be led using a lead made from string and slime balls. They can as well be bred with a bucket of tropical fish, just axolotls can't fully exist tamed in Minecraft . Simply beware: axolotls can be slain by pufferfish.

10 Horses

  • Biome: Plains
  • Nutrient: Aureate Carrots, Golden Apples, Saccharide, Wheat, Apple, Hay Bale

The breadstuff and butter of tamed animals is definitely the horse. What sets this one apart from others is the incredible travel fourth dimension it brings along, provided the actor picks out the fastest equus caballus of the bunch. Head over to a nearby plains biome, as those tend to be the best locations to notice horses.

Horses differ from donkeys and mules in that they tin't actually carry items. They're used purely for travel, and traveling neat distances is a vital part of gameplay. To tame a horse in Minecraft, right-click on it with an empty hand to mountain it until hearts announced above its head. Do this until the horse stops kicking.

ix Ocelot

  • Biome: Jungle
  • Food: Raw Salmon, Raw Cod

The ocelot is one of the hardest animals to tame in the game, mainly because it'south such a rare i to find in the wilds. In social club to run into ane the player commencement needs to find a jungle biome, which is the ideal spawn location for these elusive feline friends.

In order to tame an ocelot in Minecraft go some raw salmon or raw cod and arroyo them slowly while holding the fish in their hand. Feed as much fish as needed to the ocelot, until tiny hearts announced higher up its head.

8 Wolf

  • Biome: Forest (all variants)
  • Nutrient: Bone, Meats (all variants)

Wolves are probably the nigh common mob, and therefore an easy one to tame for players. All sorts of forests will normally accept a pack of them wandering around, although colder forest biomes have a higher rate of spawning for wolves in general.

Wolves can be tamed using a bone. Even if wolves tin can be fed meat while however feral, they won't actually be tamed this way. In order to tame a wolf in Minecraft, feed a wolf bones until tiny hearts announced to a higher place its head, which will prompt its confront to change. A collar will also appear, which can be dyed any of the colors bachelor in the game.

7 Skeleton Horse

  • Biome: Any
  • Nutrient: Cannot be bred or fed

Want to exist the talk of the server and the envy of all other Minecraft players? In that case, boasting a Skeleton Horse is the best mode to go. This mount is no incertitude the coolest-looking 1 in the game, simply because of its sheer, bony appearance.

These creatures simply spawn during thunderstorms and are usually accompanied by skeletons, which must be showtime killed before the horse tin can exist tamed. After their previous owners are dealt with, correct click on the skeleton horse with an empty manus and hop on its back several times until tiny hearts appear above its head.

6 Parrot

  • Biome: Jungle
  • Food: Wheat Seeds

Players who run into a jungle biome in their world are particularly lucky, non only because of ocelots merely also considering of parrots. These little birds have the ability to mimic other mobs, which might exist a frightening experience, but as well incredibly cool.

Parrots come in a variety of colors, and they can exist tamed with regular seeds. To tame a parrot in Minecraft hold a seed in the right mitt and right-click on a parrot until tiny hearts appear above its head. The parrot volition likely land on the player's shoulder likewise when tamed, which makes for a cool effect.

5 Flim-flam

  • Biome: Taiga and its variants
  • Food: Sugariness Berries, Glow Berries

Foxes are super unique mobs due to their ability to carry items in their mouths. They also roll up to sleep and tin can move apace through sweet berry bushes. However, they sprint quite fast and are exclusive to cold wood biomes like taigas, making them a hard mob to take hold of and tame.

Developed foxes cannot be tamed in Minecraft, but they can be bred using sweet berries. The babe trick produced will and so trust the histrion, and a lead should be used to pull information technology abroad from its parents and to terminate it from post-obit them rather than the thespian themselves. The challenge here is actually catching two adult foxes.

4 Mule

  • Biome: Plains
  • Food: Aureate Carrot, Gilded Apple tree, Sugar, Wheat, Apple, Hay Bale

Those wondering what the difference between a mule and a ass is, this mob is basically the outcome of a donkey and horse being bred. They're a catchy mob to have due not existence able to breed with other mules, just they still make for great carriers and decent mounts.

Mules can be distinguished by their typically brown coloring in the wild, which sets them apart from donkeys. With an empty hand, right-click on the mule to get on its back to tame it. At first, it will kick the player off multiple times, but go along doing this and eventually it should have a little heart icon to a higher place its head to show it's tamed.

3 Donkey

  • Biome: Plains
  • Nutrient: Gilded Carrot, Golden Apple, Sugar, Wheat, Apple tree, Hay Bale

Donkeys are not fantastic mounts since they all have the same movement speed when ridden, but they are great for storing items and being pulled with a lead. In the wild, they're also like shooting fish in a barrel to recognize and much like mules and horses will tend to spawn in plains biomes.

In order to tame a donkey Minecraft, correct-click on it with an empty hand to mount information technology. Keep doing this until information technology no longer kicks, and tiny hearts appear above its caput.

2 Llama

  • Biome: Savanna, Mountains
  • Food: Wheat, Hay Bale

Llamas are perhaps the worst mount in the game, but what they are really useful for is storage. Non just that, many players like to utilise different colored carpets on their llamas in lodge to color code their storage in an easy way. To find them, head over to a savanna or mountain biome.

Llamas must be handled with care, due to their ability to attack the actor by spitting on them. To tame a llama, right-click them with an empty hand and mount them until they no longer kick and tiny heart icons appear. Keep in listen, again, that llamas can only be pb and used for storage, and riding them is impossible.

1 Cat (Village Stray Variant)

  • Biome: Any biome where a village can spawn
  • Food: Raw Cod, Raw Salmon

Although ocelots are the original style of getting a cat in the game, devious cats are an easier and more than interesting way to get a skilful variety of different cats hands. Head over to whatever nearby village, as those are hotspots for stray cats to wander around.

Stray cats will always be agape of players and speedily run away. However, if approached with raw cod or salmon in hand, they will slowly get closer to the player. Feed the cat raw cod or salmon enough times to tame it until hearts appear in a higher place its head.

NEXT: Minecraft: 10 Things You lot Didn't Know Nearly The Ender Dragon

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